


















A Leader

A person renowned for his virtues becomes the leader of a country and the people completely trust him to govern their nation. He will do his utmost for the happiness of the world, of humanity and of the nation. This is Utopia. He is the very leader that I see in my vision.

Gandhi of India, Churchill of Great Britain, Jefferson,the third President of the US, who drafted the Declaration of Independence, and Lincoln who dared to emancipate the slaves:these are the people who captured my heart during my childhood.

Inoh Tadataka, who drew the first survey map ofwhole Japan, an explorer Mamia Rinzou, and Noguchi Hideyo, who was an authority on tropical medicine and died of a tropical disease himself; they have excited my heart. I think Sun Yat-sen of Chaina was also remarkable.

They were brave men in the battle of life who had struggled against extreme hardships and overcame them in the course of their lives. As philosopher Bergson said; these are the people who mentally achieved fluctuating variation by breaking through a barrier of evolutional process.

They not only did their best in life,but had a warm, deep love towards endangered nations and human race. It is why they dedicated themselves to human race, to their nation and to the society, abandoning their own self-interested minds.

I desperately feel that young people today are badly in need of getting to know these distinguished characters and being positively influenced by them.

We sincerely hope that a man of vision with a noble and high mind will become our leader.Today's bureaucrats and politicians are motivated by their own interests and the interests of their ministry or their party. We do not want these types of people in power anymore.

All these great men that I have admired since my chiledhood have one characteristic in common that attracts people's hearts. They are people who have not lived their lives for their own interests but have dedicated their whole selves to their mission according to the calling from heaven. They are martyrs. They are remarkable beyond doubt.

Being very simple in thought, I am touched and moved deeply by their genuine ways of life. They are not God nor Buddha. They are different from Jesus Christ or Shakya.And yet, in their lives we see those of saints.

If a wicked-minded person tried to control a country for self interested reasons, their rule, without truth and without being blessed by God, would short lived.

Nothing lasts long that has come from selfish desires of human beings. Without having genuinely deep thoughts in mind, they easily become slaves to short-sighted profit and authority.

They carelessly forget the fact that nothing lasts forever. The only thing they shall get is defeat. Looking back, the leaders who gave in to immediate pleasures like indulging in money and women, they and their nation or society perished.

We seek the true way. We seek the sound way. That is because we wish to have an incorruptible everlasting life. We never want to spend our life like the people who never know of sharing God's blessings with others. They do not help the less fortunate people but abandan their nation by following selfish worldly desires.

I really hope that all of us who live in our dear homeland, Japan, will always be ready to extend our helping hands to the people who are in pain and in need. And we hope to have a leader who can take the initiative audaciously in this way.


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